Inkwell Resources Limited are a publishing resources company providing a range of services to assist with the written word. Our services cover a range of disciplines from Blogs to Books, CVs to Marketing Materials, Website Content to Email Advertising. We offer full publishing support; Copy Writing, Editing, Proofreading, Artwork/Imagery Direction and Resourcing, and Layout Services. Whether you require one, or a combination, of these services, we can formulate an affordable package to suit your needs.
Often people find it hard to distinguish between these two vital services. Below is a short guide to help you identify which is for you. Regardless of which you chose, you can be assured by our charging formula. Unlike many of our competitors, we do not charge an hourly rate, which can often make it hard to predict costs up front. We use a formula based on a page rate, to agree a cost and deadline, so that you know from the start how much the service will cost you and when you will receive your finished product.
Writing can be a daunting task for many people, particularly when writing about yourself, or your services. By supplying us with a few bullet point facts we can return comprehensive and interesting copy to capture the attention of your target audience.
Small businesses/business start-ups Running your own business, especially at the beginning, can be very time consuming. We can alleviate the burden by helping with your copy needs such as advertising,
marketing, on-line content and any other requirements you may have.
Non-native English Speakers
The English language is daunting as a second language; we provide support to non-native speakers for a variety of needs.
Job hunters and Students applying to college/university
CVs, cover letters and personal statements are difficult for many who struggle with highlighting their own personal attributes. We often provide a basic format that the individuals can then tailor to allow their own style and personality to shine through.
Editing involves a comprehensive check of spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence flow and structure. It can also involve rephrasing, where necessary, and fact checking.
Small Businesses
This service can prove invaluable, not only by improving the language used but also by looking at a document from the point of view of a client and adapting it to be more approachable and appealing.
Rather than maintain a full time copy editor,
this service minimises overheads whilst providing a top notch end result. We have our own house style guide that we adhere to, or can adapt to suit your own.
Academics and freelance journalists
When submitting an article for publication it is more likely to be accepted if it is already in a readable/publishable state. Fact checking, along with the other facets of editing, help to give you the best chance of your work being accepted.
Proofreading is comprised of checking the copy for basic spelling, punctuation and grammar check. It is often used as a final check prior to publication/distribution. will be able to meet your needs.
In this internet age many people are making a living from the advertising on their blogs. Respectable companies are attracted
to professional blogs… there is nothing professional about errors in language.
Small businesses, without the in-house resources, rely on our services to ensure that their websites look professional. Good copy can be the difference between a customer having the confidence to make a
purchase or make contact, or them moving on to a competitor site.
It can be costly to maintain a full time
proofing staff, particularly if your turnover of publications is not high. We provide that service when it is required, saving publishers from the overhead of full time staff.
We are able to provide support for a wide range of illustrative needs. Whether it is image sourcing or illustrations you require, we have a great deal of experience in art direction and have a team of illustrators that will be able to meet your needs.
Please contact us for more information about Illustrative resources. Special discounts for art direction are given to those clients also using our Copy Writing, Editing or Proofreading Resources.
Whether for a marketing brochure or a full book, we can provide an affordable layout solution to suit your needs. We work across various programs, from Word through to Adobe InDesign, allowing us to tailor our services to you.
Please contact us for more information on our Layout Resources.